Wednesday, 12 November 2008

How is migration changing the face of the EU?

Key points to know and understand:

  • Historic migration to / within Europe (timeline)
  • The impact of international migration to Europe
  • Patterns of recent moveoments within the EU (e.g. Eastern European migration to the UK and retirement migration to the Med') and the reasons for these movements
  • The social, economic, environmental and political consequences of migration.

Migration 1
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Eastern European Migration to the UK - you can watch the video from the lesson at You Tube in parts - part one

Migration 2
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Population Change

You need understand how population is changing locally, nationally and globally.
Uk Population Change
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You also need to understand the issue of the UK's ageing population - causes and effects (political, social, economic and demographic).

Greying Population
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Switched on or switched off?

Switched on places are those nations, regions or cities that are strongly connected to other places through the production and consumption of goods and services. In contrast, places that are poorly connected are said to be relatively switched off.

This image of the world at night gives an idea of which places are switched on/off.

Consider the reasons why some places are more connected than others and why, therefore, they are more switched on to development.

Switched On And Off
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Global networks

Technology builds global networks. Look at the powerpoint below to review the major changes which have occured.
Global Networks
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You can also see from this document how global airline networks have contributed to the development of global networks and global hubs (these are settlements which provide a focal point for activities that have a global influence. All world cities and mega-cities are global hubs slong with some smaller settlements).

TNC case studies

You have studied an example of a Transnational Corporation - either McDonalds or Tesco. Make sure you know detailed information about that TNC in the following areas:

  • History - what is the history of the company; how has it grown?
  • Locations - where is it / is it not located; how has this changed over time?
  • Income - how does it compare with other TNCs / the GDP of countries?
  • Impacts - what positive / negative impacts does it have?

McDonalds - look at the distribution of McDonalds stores and how they have expanded over time

Useful links
McDonalds corporate website
Wikipedia entry
McDonalds Workers Resistance
Telegraph news article